Field trips ROCK! The geology at Parfrey's Glen was a great way to finish the week! Crossing the creek was a big highlight!
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Crossing the creek !
Junior geologists!
Parfrey’s Glen
Ready to hike!
Crossing the creek!
Junior geologists!
Rocking the hike!
Ready to hike!
Over the bridge
Upclose look!
🍎 A is for Apple! 🍎 Students have been picking, eating, and cooking with the apples from the school orchard. Yum! #agintheclassroom #schoolgarden
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Picking apples in the school orchard!
Picking apples in the school orchard!
Picking apples in the school orchard!
Harvest fun!
Freshly picked!
Perfect pick!
Perfect pick!
Apple pockets ready to bake!
Cooking time!
Apple-icious! ❤️🍎
Po-ta-toes! Fifth graders harvested the potatoes they planted as fourth graders last spring! Tasty fries were delicious! #agintheclassroom #schoolgarden
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Harvest time!
Digging spuds!
Digging potatoes !
Found one!
Outdoor classroom !
Outdoor classroom!
Carefully cutting!
Carefully cutting!
Taste test!
Taste test!
Have ewe heard? The barnyard project is baaaack! Students interact daily with the chickens, ducks, and sheep. They will take turns caring for the animals and collecting eggs! We love hands-on learning! #agintheclassroom
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Juneberry is happy to be back at school!
Morning check in
Barnyard buddies
Kindergartners checking on the chickens .
Eggs-ellent experience !
Quack pack is back!
Up close
Quality time
Family Night at MCS was full of books, play, pizza and fun! Thank you for attending the Book Fair, dedication of the OmniSpin, Family Picnic and Home and School Association Parent Meeting!
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Family Night
Family Night
Family Night
Family Night
Family Night
Family Night
Family Night
Family Night
Family Night
Family Night
4K had the best time learning about apples and fall this week! They practiced counting by measuring how many apples tall they are, worked on fine motor skills by tearing paper to make an apple craft, and made applesauce for snack using science. Learning in 4K is a lot of fun! #agintheclassroom
6 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Applesauce !
15 apples tall!
School orchard!
Making applesauce !
In the orchard!
Apple craft!
A musical, a hike, and a house full of history, oh my! Grades 2-5 spent the day in Portage with a triple trip. Students enjoyed the musical Alice in Wonderland at the Zona Gale Theater, then hiked and took in the history at the Indian Agency House. Great trip!
6 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Ready for the show!
Ready for the show!
History time!
Indian Agency House
Lots to learn!
Dugout discussion
Making connections
History hike
Nature kids!
Lunch break!
Acorns, bumblebees, and a big frog were highlights from the school prairie this afternoon. Second grade recorded observations in their nature journals from their "sit spots" around the prairie.
6 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Ready to go!
Recording nature data
Up close with goldenrod
Recording nature data
Making observations
Through the big bluestem!
Everyone has their own special sit spot!
Recording nature data
Fall colors
Last blooms!
Our student scientists released monarch butterflies tagged for #monarchwatch! We hope they make it all the way to Mexico! #togetherwesoar
6 months ago, Merrimac Community School
All smiles!
Ready to fly!
Close up!
Getting a good look.
Ready to fly!
Getting a good look!
Up close!
Tagged and ready to fly!
Open House was full of smiles at MCS! The staff is excited to welcome students back to learn together on Tuesday! #MCS #SPSD #togetherwesoar
6 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Back to school
We hope to see you there!
7 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Open House
Free food! Come pick beans, lettuce, and cucumbers! Help our community garden by watering or weeding, then help yourself to some produce! #togetherwesoar
7 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Sunflower love!
Come get some cucumbers!
Beans are ready to pick!
Bees, butterflies, and birds love our flowers!
Pumpkins are starting to grow!
Beans, peas, lettuce, cucumbers, and a few kohlrabi are ready to be picked! Visit the school garden and take some fresh food! #togetherwesoar #ilovemymcs #agintheclassroom
7 months ago, Merrimac Community School
A few tomatoes
Lettuce and kale
A few kohlrabi
Peas please!
Hunt for the beans
Prairie partners! Teachers from Tower Rock and Merrimac teamed up to conduct a bumblebee survey that observed the endangered Rusty Patched Bumblebee in our school prairie! #togetherwesoar #savetherustypatchedbumblebee #bumblebees
7 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Bumblebee survey!
Rusty patched bumblebee
Rusty patched bumblebee
Merrimac Community School Garden is pleased to be a part of the Sauk County Master Gardener Tour this year! New mulch from DelMor Nursery looks great in the paths! A big thank you to the Bourgeois, Meier, Scherbert, and Toberman families for raking and spreading the mulch!
8 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Fresh mulch looks great!
Pollinator bed is buzzing!
Mac is keeping watch.
Garden tour info.
Tomatoes look promising .
Cucumber blossom
Colorful blooms
Lettuce is ready for harvest!
Snap peas are ready for harvest.
Apples and pears are growing towards fall!
The garden is really getting growing! Stop by and check it out! Pinch off some young lettuce or kale to take home. Look under the milkweed leaves for monarch caterpillars!
8 months ago, Merrimac Community School
The salad bed is looking good!
Pea pods climbing steadily.
Lots of happy bees!
Kale is coming on!
A last day hike and monarchs closed the circle of second grade. Enjoy the summer!
9 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Last day hike!
Lupine pods
Into the woods...
Waiting for wings
At the end of the year, 4-5's squeezed in s'more science with solar ovens!
9 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Congratulations to the Class of 2031 as they move on from Merrimac! You are always welcome! We are proud of you! Here is the slide show link. #ilovemymcs #togetherwesoar
9 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Class of 2031
Sweet singing!
Track awards
Track awards
Congratulations !
Congratulations !
5K awards
The Buddies Trip celebrates a year of multi-age groups reading and learning together! Older and younger buddies enjoyed mini-golf and a ride on the Dells Ducks! #TogetherWeSoar
9 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Break time
Taking a break
Duck ride!
On the ducks!
Cool riders!