"Can we come back?" An afternoon of hands-on exhibits gave students an appetite for learning! Thank you to Tommy Bartlett's Robot World for an excellent visit.

The older classes spent the morning at Tommy Bartlett's Robot World! The hands-on learning was out of this world!

MCS students celebrated National Chili Day with local agricultural products! Lots of food group learning and chili eating!

Drip, drip, drip! Students are collecting maple sap to make syrup! Science, math, history, and literacy! Project-based learning is our favorite way to learn!

❤️ The Kids Heart Challenge was a success! Mr. B led students in the annual event to support heart health awareness.

Students welcomed veterans for Valentine's Day! Lots of games, smiles, and even a special happy birthday!
Thank you to our local VFW Lachmund-Cramer Post 7694 for visiting!

Grades 5K-2 celebrated the 100th day of school today at MCS! Many throughout the grades wore vivid colors to show that they are "100 Days Brighter." Learning activities focused around the number 100 from dancing, counting out loud and grouping items of 100. The 100 days hit one 4th grader particularly hard so we made sure he took it easy at school today! MCS kids love school, learning and having fun! #SPSD #MCS #saukprairiesoars

To celebrate Lunar New Year, grade 2 students welcomed Ms. Lo, the Mandarin teacher from the high school! Lots of learning about language and culture, followed by trying new foods!

No trout about it, we love project-based learning! We welcomed the rainbow trout fry today! Students will learn about their life cycle and fresh water habitats as they manage water quality and daily care.
Thank you to the Wisconsin DNR and Nevin Hatchery for their partnership!

Grades 5K-5 were wowed by the UW Madison's Wonders of Physics program! Ask your favorite MCS student about air pressure, gravity, fire tornadoes, Newton's three laws of motion and how you can make fog indoors. They learned a lot and had a ton of fun! #SPSD #MCS #SaukPrairie #Wondersofphysics #Merrimac

The 5th graders learned about service dogs and how to behave around service dogs in harness when Anna, a leader dog for the blind, visited their classroom. Anna showed them how she behaves and works when in her “uniform “, and then she enjoyed lots of petting and love when her harness was removed. She even “helped” some students with their math.

MCS 4K students have been learning about quail this year. They hatched eggs, raised the quail, and sent them on to two farms. Now the children are observing and measuring adult quail. They also had the opportunity to eat hard-boiled quail eggs. This Spring, the 4K students will be hatching eggs again. Math and Science are a lot of fun at Merrimac Community School!

MCS students and staff shared their Packer Pride on Friday! #saukprairie #merrimaccommunityschool #MCS #Packers #GoPack #merrimac

Students in 3rd and 4th grade got to learn all about marching band from Merrimac Alums Charlotte and Luke! They are members of the UW Marching Band. They talked about their experience in the band, demonstrated their instruments, and even taught students how to march!

While learning about the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations, the fifth graders have learned about many indigenous foods of Mesoamerica and Central America. Today, they learned about and tasted quinoa, an ancient grain of the Inca Empire. They built their own quinoa based salad bowls by adding vegetables and dressing of their choice. It was a delicious way to conclude their study of the Inca! Learning is delicious!

Winter arrived and MCS kids were all for it! #SPSD #saukprairie #merrimac

Mouse tunnels! Deer tracks! Observing how different trees affect the wind and snow. Amazing winter walk in the woods!

Lots to see on our #firstdayhike in grade 2. Even with minimal snow, there was lots of winter wonder in the woods.

Staff and students enjoyed our last day before break caroling in Merrimac, Sauk Prairie and Baraboo. Enjoy your holidays and winter break, see you next year!

Curriculum connections! Kindergarten got up close with a bison, grade 3 acted out Roman myths, and fifth grade made special hot chocolate as part of the study of ancient Mayan and Aztecs. Busy, busy, busy!