Things are getting festive at MCS! Happy Holidays from our halls to yours!

Students are having fun moving in music! Strumming, singing, swinging, and shaking!

MCS 4K Holiday Craft Night was a success! Families had a great time making crafts together and getting to know the other families who will be with them at MCS in the future!

The #firstdayhike for December featured an amazing flyover by a hawk as students watched silently. An awesome closeup experience.

Agriculture and literacy made learning delicious in Cooking Time this week!

Ready... Set... Snow! Students enjoyed the first snowfall of the season!

Our fourth grade class practices math skills on a website called Prodigy. Students have been competing with other 4th grade classes in Wisconsin to see how many math problems they can get correct each week online. They have won two times already and enjoyed rewards of working with partners in the classroom during math time and playing multiplication basketball. Way to show what you know, fourth graders!

Thanksgiving spirit was strong around the school this short week!. Our recess supervisors sported matching turkey hats, 4K had their annual Thanksgiving Feast and Mrs. McCann's class investigated pumpkins by measuring, weighing, counting the seeds and comparing during math instruction. Of course the pumpkin was then made into a pie for all to enjoy! From all of us here at MCS, Happy Thanksgiving!

It is hard to believe but we are already thinking about and planning for next year's school garden!
Merrimac Community Garden is participating in the #SeedMoneyChallenge, a 30-day fundraising challenge and we could really use your support TODAY! In addition to keeping 100% of the funds we raise from individuals like you, we have a chance to win a challenge grant of up to $1000 from SeedMoney based on how much we raise over the course of the 30-day period running from Nov 15 to Dec 15.
As extra incentives, SeedMoney is offering a $400 bonus grant to the campaign that raises the most in the first 24 hours and 50 $100 bonus grants to the 50 garden projects that raise the most during the first week. Your support TODAY can put us into the running for one of those bonus grants. You can find our donation page here:

Our very own PE teacher, Mr. Jacob Breunig, is the recipient of the 2023 Wisconsin Health and Physical Education Advocacy Award. He was nominated for his technology based instruction, support for his district teammates and innovative support for students with disabilities. We are lucky to have him on our team as one of the state's best Physical Education teachers! To celebrate we had a "Dress Like Mr. B. Day!"

A nice covering of leaves puts the garden to bed for the winter. Grade 2 mulched the raised beds with leaves and covered the mosaic deer with tarps. Great teamwork!

While learning about chemical reactions, the fifth graders experimented with gathering natural yeast in a classroom sourdough starter. Their experiment was a huge success! Their experiment grew and grew over the course of 7 days. On Thursday, the fifth graders used their captured yeast to mix together a simple sourdough. After proofing overnight in the refrigerator, they shaped it into loaves, baked it, and ate delicious sourdough bread on Friday. They each made an small loaf to share with their families. Science is delicious!

MCS 4K students were very excited this week because their quail eggs hatched! Many thanks to Middle School Ag Teacher, Jared Mack, for giving the class the quail eggs. Students observed them in the incubator, watched the eggs pipping, and then hatching. 4K students will enjoy watching them grow over the next few weeks!

Grades 1 and 2 made seasonal observations on their November #firstdayhike through the school forest and prairie!

Kindergartners learned about the parts of a pumpkin and plant life cycles. Observing them decompose will be a year long science activity.

The 4th and 5th graders are learning about energy and energy transfer. On Friday, they used the chemical potential energy stored in potatoes to power a light and a digital timer.

Merrimac students did some community service work by cleaning up the planters throughout the village. Mrs. McCann's 2nd grade class did a bunch, with Miss Shelly and some After School Club students completing the job. Thank you for caring for our village, MCS students!

4K learned about community helpers this week. Students had a great time meeting and learning from Officer Spencer, Deputy Clerk for the Village of Merrimac Amy, and Nurse Shea. They also had fun walking down and seeing the fire station and post office!

Ms. Lo, an exchange teacher from Taiwan was a guest teacher in 5th grade music class this week. She taught the students two songs and shared rice cookies with them. We look forward having her return to MCS again soon! #togetherwesoar #SPSD

Science connected to fall fun at the pumpkin patch! A big thank you to Keller's Kornucopia for the pumpkins and amazing visit!