It's the great pumpkin! Over 1000 pounds! A big thank you to the Klitzke family for bringing their amazing pumpkin for students to see and learn about! Good luck at the competition!

Ready, set, dough! Cooking Time in grades 1 and 2 had each student rolling their own apple turnover and writing the recipe. Yum!

Fresh eggs on Friday! The school chickens have been laying beautiful eggs! Comment or message to reserve a dozen for after school pick up.
#agintheclassroom #togetherwesoar

Second grade learned about all the agricultural products in Wisconsin! A big thank you to the Sauk County Farm Bureau and #agintheclassroom.

Agriculture is all around us at our project-based school! Last week 4K learned about farms. Thompson Farms brought a combine for the students to explore. They also had a great time playing with farm themed toys, observing the animals in our school barn, making a cow puppet, and singing Old McDonald.

Merrimac showed Mr. Jeff the love today on Custodian Appreciation Day! He surprised us by showing up photoshoot ready for picture day. We would be a mess without him! #MCS #SPSD #togetherwesoar

The school garden and orchard are ready for the winter! A big thank you to the families and staff who volunteered their time!

MCS students showed their Homecoming Pride at school, the pep rally and the parade! #SPSD

Cooking Time was savory and sweet this week as recipes connected with curriculum and literacy!

Saturday looks to be a perfect day for gardening at the school. Please join us for a short time if you can!

The Merrimac Fire Department Blood Drive needs you! Please sign up via the QR code to help our hospitals who are critically low of blood. Each donor gets a $15 Amazon gift card for donating!

Little blue stem, turkeyfoot grass, and shagbark hickory trees! Grade 2 is looking for seeds of all kinds as they make connections to pollinators and cycles in nature.
#MerrimacCommunitySchool #spsdlearns #1000hoursoutside

There was a great turnout of families at MCS for the book fair, family picnic and fall parent assembly on Thursday. Thank you for coming, you put the Community in MCS! #SPSD #MCS

4K students had a deliciously fantastic week learning about apples and Fall. They made applesauce and apple pie. A trip out to the school orchard and garden added to the learning fun. Students also learned how many apples tall they are and graphed their favorite type of apple.

After careful cutting of garden fresh vegetables, the fifth graders enjoyed salsa from seeds they planted last spring! Yum!
#agintheclassroom #spsdlearns

It was an egg-citing day in the school barnyard! Students welcomed back the chickens and ducks they hatched last spring. The sheep are happy to see all the kids at recess!
#ilovemymcs #agintheclassroom #togetherwesoar

MCS 5th grade students harvested tomatoes and peppers as part of an outdoor math lesson today. Ask your favorite 5th grader to teach you about it! #togetherwesoar #SPSDlearns

Play performance and a picnic! Perfect!
#ilovemymcs #togetherwesoar

Seeds to Snacks! Students planted cucumber and bean seeds in the spring and harvested their fresh veggies to make pickles and dilly beans! Yum! #saukprairieschooldistrict #togetherwesoar

New wings to start the new year! Students had an up close look as they released this monarch butterfly!
#TogetherWeSoar #ilovemymcs #spsdlearns