Our barnyard project celebrates #AmericaRecyclesDay everyday by reducing food waste from our school! Thank you to Buttermilk Barn for donating the pumpkins!
4 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Sheep ❤️ pumpkins !
Must be delicious !
School chickens reduce food waste.
Pumpkins and pollinators made for a perfect fall field trip! Kindergarten and grade two extended their science learning to Keller's Kornucopia. Bee hives and the pumpkin patch made for a great morning! Thank you for letting us pick a free pumpkin! ❤️🐝❤️🎃
4 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Pick a perfect pumpkin !
Straw bale maze fun!
Pick a perfect pumpkin!
Straw bale maze!
Pick a perfect pumpkin!
Pumpkins on the bus go round and round!
Ready to go!
Looking up!
So many 🎃 to choose from!
Ready to go!
A big thank you to Sauk County Seal-A-Smile for helping our students have healthy teeth! They were impressed that our whole school brushes their teeth after lunch!
4 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Practice brushing!
Teeth cleaning!
Brushing teeth after lunch!
Service learning helps our community! Grade 2 cleaned out the village planters along highway 78 with the changing seasons. Great teamwork! #togetherwesoar
4 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Practicing service learning!
Teamwork !
Pulling out the dead summer plants.
Ready to go!
Teamwork !
Teamwork !
Teamwork !
Bonus walk around the wetland!
Kindergartners are using their knowledge of plants to grow wheat grass for the chickens and lettuce for the tortoise! Caring kids!
4 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Treats for the chickens!
Treats for the chickens!
Planting wheat grass
Planting lettuce for the tortoise
Planting lettuce for the tortoise
Planting lettuce for the tortoise
Planting lettuce for the tortoise
Grades 1 and 2 extended their Fairytales and Fables Unit to the Overture Center! A delightful show of Peter Rabbit was followed by a tour of the Ruth Culver Community Library and playtime by the Wisconsin River. Great day!
4 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Ready for the show!
Amazing seats!
Ready for the show!
Great sears!
Carpet picnic
Carpet picnic
Great Sauk Trail
Riverwalk park
Scavenger hunt success!
🌻 Science was in full bloom in Kindergarten! The parts of plants and their functions were easy to see in the school garden. We are growing our learning! #schoolgarden
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Sunflower science !
Flower comparison
Outdoor science !
Sunflower science !
Community helpers are everywhere! MCS 4K students learned about librarians, postal workers, delivery drivers, teachers, and more this week. They had a great walking field trip to the Merrimac Fire and Ambulance Station. Thank you to Ms. Tina and Ms. Bailey for telling us what fire fighters and EMTs do!
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Merrimac Fire and Rescue
Ready to go!
Learning about the equipment
Answering questions
Thank you to the families and staff who helped winterize the garden, clean the duck pen, and prep pickets! Your volunteering makes our projects possible. #togetherwesoar
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Garden helpers!
Roll out the barrel!
Garden helpers!
New barrels ready for spring planting!
Before the thunder!
Huzzah! Grades 3-4-5 traveled back in time to the Renaissance at Circus World. Lots of connections to our history lessons brought to life!
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Rogues and Ruffians
Fire eaters!
History alive!
Bridge to history
Musical history
Spear throwing
Spear throwing
Spear throwing
Spear throwing
Cherry dumplings and Wisconsin agricultural products made for a tasty cooking time. Thank you to the Sauk County Farm Bureau and Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom for visiting again this year! #agintheclassroom
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Rolling out the dumpling dough.
Ready for cherries!
Rolling out the dumpling dough.
Taste test!
Taste test!
Taste test!
Wisconsin agriculture products activity
Wisconsin agriculture products activity
Taking turns!
Great views from the highest point in SW Wisconsin! Students hiked the Flintrock Trail at Blue Mounds State Park to learn more about limestone and chert. Ask your favorite student for details!
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Hiking kids!
Good buddies
Forest friends
Learning trail navigation
Hiking rocks!
Climbing the tower!
Hiking rocks!
Into the woods!
On top of the world!
Enjoying the view!
A field trip 400 million years in the making! Students visited #caveofthemounds for an amazing subterranean learning experience!
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Cave of the Mounds
Cave of the Mounds
Cave of the Mounds
Cave of the Mounds
Cave of the Mounds
Cave of the Mounds
Cute fossils
Cave of the Mounds
Petrified at Cave of the Mounds
Students learned about how ground water moves, pollution, and the importance of preventing the contamination of our watershed. #togetherwesoar
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Ground water lesson
Up close!
Learning how water moves underground
Getting a good look
Good listeners
Up close look
Getting a good look
Ground water demonstration
The bumper crop of apples from the school orchard continues with apple art in Kindergarten and apple crisp in grade 3. The apple crisp modeled how the earth's crust and mantle are layered. Science is delicious! #agintheclassroom #schoolgarden
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Apple printing!
Apple printing!
Apple printing!
Apple printing!
Science is delicious !
Science is delicious!
Science is delicious!
Thank you to the George Culver Community Library and the Ruth Culver Community Library for bringing Llama Llama in red pajamas to our school!! The K-2 classes enjoyed the visit! ❤️📚❤️🦙
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Who wants a library card?
Llama llama visit!
Llama llama visit!
Llama llama visit!
Reading is fun!
Llama llama visit!
Seed savers! Students in grade 2 have begun collecting seeds from native Wisconsin plants. In late winter, they will spread the seeds in the school prairie to improve the habitat. Conservation kids!
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Conservation kids!
Fifth grade celebrated the end of a story in literacy by making pico de gallo from our school garden tomatoes to go with Carne Puerco and rice, which was a meal enjoyed by the characters in our story. #LearningIsDelicious #schoolgarden
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Team work!
Careful cutting!
Careful cutting!
Learning is delicious !
Careful cutting!
Taste test! Yum!
Taste test! Yum!
"Farmer Thompson had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm there were some students, E-I-E-I-O." MCS 4K students had a great time learning about farms this past week. They learned what farmers do, about different farm animals and crops, and farm machinery. #agintheclassroom
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
BIG tractor!
Hands-on learning
Perfect fit
Hands-on learning
Perfect fit
Ready to drive!
Field trips ROCK! The geology at Parfrey's Glen was a great way to finish the week! Crossing the creek was a big highlight!
5 months ago, Merrimac Community School
Crossing the creek !
Junior geologists!
Parfrey’s Glen
Ready to hike!
Crossing the creek!
Junior geologists!
Rocking the hike!
Ready to hike!
Over the bridge
Upclose look!